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Global Talent (Exceptional Talent or Promise) Visa UK with Tech Nation
Example Documents
Endorsement Letter
Letter of Recommendation - example A
Letter of Recommendation - example B
Letter of Recommendation - example C
Letter of Recommendation - Example D
Letter of Recommendation - Example E
Example evidence - item 1 - project architecture and career progression
Example evidence - item 3 - tech knowledge and implementation
Example evidence - university support
Example evidence - item 2 - software development
Darpan's Experience
Visa background in the UK
Technical stream - Exceptional Promise
Exception Talent or Exception Promise
Method used to develop supporting documents and referance letters
Choosing the key criteria
1st key criteria evidence used
1st key criteria evidence used
Darpans input into the product led startup
Example product led startup for Key criteria 1
Proven Track record - Evidence
2nd Key criteria and evidences used
2nd key criteria product led startup
Darpans input into the product led startup for key criteria 2
Outside of your immediate occupation
How did you come accross the opportunity
Key criteria 2 - Evidence 2
Key criteria 2 - Time spent in the company
Key criteria 2 - Evidence 3
Exceptional Talent - Choosing Qualifying criteria
Qualitying Criteria 1 - Evidence
Qualifying Criteria 1 - Product led startup
Qualifying Criteria 1 - Other evidence
Qualifying Criteria 1 - Contrubutions
Qualifying Criteria 2 - Evidence
Qualifying Criteria 3 - Evidence
Evidence used for my application
How I structured my CV
Most important points you mentioned in your CV
How I structured my letters of recommendation
Updates I made to my social media profiles (LinkedIn)
Advice I would give to people who want to apply
How I structured my letter of intent
My experience with the visa application process
Contacting the endorsing body
Timeframes of my endorsement and visa applications
Time it took me to prepare
Darpan Explains his example documents
Recommendation letter 1
Recommendation letter 2
Darpan's contribution to a product led startup - Evidence
Structure I followed to a supporting document
Darpan's contribution to a startup and supporting document structure
Darpan's contribution to a University
Darpan's approach to structuring a personal statement
Tips from Darpan on the Personal Statement
Key factors in choosing between Exceptional Talent and Exceptional Promise
What I would have done differently
Julio story and experience with Global Talent visa
My experience and background
My transition from journalism to technology
My initial stay in the UK and business experience
How I discovered Global Talent visa
How I decided between Exceptional Talent and Promise streams
My process of securing references
How I approached the referees
The approach I took in structuring the Personal Statement
My comments on supporting documents that I prepared
Key Criteria that I fulfilled
How to approach the Qualifying Criteria
Evidence I showed for Proof of Recognition
Julio's advice to everyone who is applying for this visa
Qualitying Criteria 1 - Evidence
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